Triton Regional HS’s parents support their seniors at 2012 graduation. GRADVENTURE is no trivial matter. 3-2-12
When parents at Triton Regional HS need to get something done, they get something done! This active parents group, led by Wendy Worcester Antonucci, held a fundraiser for the supervised HS senior graduation party, “Gradventure”. Trying out a Teamwork Trivia Night was a perfect fit. Big tables of raffle prizes from local vendors. The trivia first-timers at Triton had each round sponsored by local vendors.
Newburyport Elks. 3-2-12
175 people were asked…
What is the common word for “syncope”.
Name the NBA teams that do not end in “s”.
What duo sings “Warm It Up”, who sings “Rhinestone Cowboy” or
what duo teamed up for “DJ’s Got Us Fallin In Love”.
Next year Teamwork Trivia Night is already booked.
See the fun: