Abington High School Boosters Teamwork Trivia Fundraiser Totals $ 7800.00

Thank you to everyone (parents, Abington HS supporters & teachers)who attended and contributed to the first ever Abington “Green Wave” Boosters, TEAMWORK TRIVIA NIGHT on March 28, 2009.

-Green Wave Boosters raised approximately $ 7,800.00

at this event to help fund AHS athletic programs.

Our event sold out, 220 people!

-The winners, “The Graduates”, are comprised of parents of AHS Class of 2009 seniors, who will be graduating this May! This event was a huge success as everyone had a fantastic time…. even the losing team,Team DairyQueen.

-Thanks to the generosity of the 22 table teams (10 people each) in attendance and our 14 wonderful sponsors and the Jeffery Coombs Foundation who sponsored the whole event.

-Thank you to all of the generous businesses and families who donated the numerous raffle, silent and live auction items that really made this event such a financial success.

-Information from Abington Boosters Newsletter {3/29/09} and Kathy Perrone, event chairperson.

-Abington High Scool Boosters found me at www.TeamworkTrivia.com

5 replies
  1. Pam McGowan
    Pam McGowan says:

    Great time! Well run and a lot of fun. Something different and got a lot of people talking. Good job! Can’t wait until the next one!

  2. Abington Lion Joe
    Abington Lion Joe says:

    Abington Lions realy enjoyed ourselves. This was a great event put on by the AHS Boosters. Had a great time and congrats to the winning team. And remember Abington-opoly is coming soon.

  3. Pam Ryan
    Pam Ryan says:

    The Abington Green Wave Boosters were thrilled with the success of this event. The outpouring of support for this “creative and different” type of fundraiser was outstanding! Everyone in attendance had a great time. We were tremendously impressed with the way most teams had themes at their tables and really “got into” the spirit of “Teamwork Trivia”.

    Ed Mullin has a fabulous program of trivia set up and our organization was able to embellish our fundraising efforts with numerous generous “round sponsors”, an event sponsor, raffles, door prizes, silent and live auction items.

    We can’t wait untill next year!

    Pam Ryan
    Green Wave Boosters Secretary

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