5th Annual Teamwork Trivia : Lincoln School, Brookline.
150 people ($25 pp) filled up the Lincoln School cafeteria for a game of Teamwork Trivia.
This fun group dresses up like no one else. There were the Black Eyed Peas, the cast of Grease, some groovy 70’s fashions, the original crayons, the “wait, wait, don’t tell me” table, Cold Day In Hell devils, College Kids, Just Maui-ied (honey-mooners) and the Red Solo Cups.
“Take a Mulligan” (alone): raised $1020.00. A “Mulligan” is a instant correct answer for cash. One per round. Very competitive.
Thanks to Gretchen Thompson and her committee….for the 5th time!
CLICK HERE. See the fun and pix on FACEBOOK.
Fifth Annual Teamwork Trivia Night at Lincoln School, Brookline. Saturday March 9th, 2013.